Fallout creator Tim Cain says no amount of money or authority would get him to return to the RPG series, but he’d consider it under one condition

Estimated read time 3 min read

The original creator of Fallout, Tim Cain, has been speaking about whether he’d ever return to the RPG series, and it all boils down to one main condition that’s nothing to do with money or authority. Rather, he says, it’d be a “personal question” of whether the hypothetical game would be different enough for him to be interested.

As well as being the series’ creator, Cain was a designer on Fallout 1 and 2, but he hasn’t been involved with the later installments of the RPG series. He’s obviously aware that there’s a massive interest in seeing him return to it, however, as he now has a full video on his YouTube channel discussing exactly that. The short answer? Maybe, but it would hinge on whether the plans for the game would be notably different.

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