Google plans to shake up its smartphone strategy in 2024 by releasing three different models of the upcoming Pixel 9. That’s according to 91mobiles, with the site now claiming that the renders published earlier this year (created by OnLeaks) were in fact of the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro “XL” — and not the regular Pixel 9, which it’s sharing for the first time in new images today.
Google used the XL branding for its bigger Pixels until around 2019, but it went away with the one-size Pixel 5 and stayed gone when the company pivoted to the “Pro” name starting in 2021. Now it sounds like Google will follow more of an iPhone strategy and split the Pro tier into two different sizes, and resurrecting the XL moniker makes sense in that case.
The standard Pixel 9 matches the design of previous leaks, with flat edges (unlike the curved Pixel 8 and 8 Pro) and display corners that seem to keep growing more rounded each year.
The renders suggest different screen sizes for all three devices:
Pixel 9 Pro XL: 6.5-inch display
Pixel 9 Pro: 6.1-inch display
Pixel 9: 6.03-inch display
That would actually mean a slight reduction for the XL model since the current Pixel 8 Pro has a 6.7-inch display. But for some people, the 8 Pro is simply too large of a phone, so maybe Google is trying to strike a better balance. Both “Pro” Pixel 9s will include a triple-camera system on the back. So if you’ve been patiently waiting for Google to offer its very best photography capabilities in a more compact size, this could be your moment.
Keep in mind we’re still many months away from new flagship Pixels — and Google has other devices to focus on first. Between now and October, you can expect to see the Pixel 8A and Pixel Fold 2; both could be announced during the company’s I/O keynote in May. If you fast forward to next year, we could theoretically see a Pixel 9A, which would mean four different variants of that generation in total.
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