Meet the worst Transformer ever, a Decepticon named Ballpoint who turns into a normal sized ballpoint pen

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In the world of toys, the worst Transformer of all time is surely debatable. But in the world of comic books, the Worst Bot Ever is Ballpoint, a Decepticon whose alt-form is a literal ballpoint pen of normal size. If you thought G1 Megatron’s transformation into a hand-held pistol was kinda weird, Ballpoint takes that same sort of concept to its hilarious limits.

Now, Skybound Comet, the all-ages imprint of Image Comics subsidiary Skybound Entertainment, has released a preview of the all-ages OGN Transformers: Worst Bot Ever – Meet Ballpoint, the first in a series of graphic novels by writer Brian ‘Smitty’ Smith and artist Marz Jr.

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