2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the acclaimed investigative thriller Seven. To commemorate the occasion, the movie is getting its first-ever 4K release with a new steelbook edition launching January 7, 2025, and you can preorder it now for $38 at Amazon.
Along with new 4K transfer and steelbook case, this new Seven release includes a batch of special features, including deleted scenes, documentaries, and production notes. Of particular interest will be the alternate endings, as Seven almost had a radically different conclusion. Preorders are available at Amazon.
A standard 4K edition of Seven is also releasing on the same day for $26.62. This also includes the new 4K version of the film and all the same special features, so while you’re missing out on the steelbook case, it’s a decent alternative in case the steelbook edition sells out.
Released in 1995, Seven starred Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kevin Spacey. The film follows two detectives hunting a serial killer using the seven deadly sins as inspiration for several murders. The movie was lauded for its grisly aesthetic and highly detailed set design, and its shock ending is still one of the best in cinema today.
If you’re looking to expand your Blu-ray library, you can pick up more of Fincher’s films at Amazon. Several are discounted right now, too, including The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo for $10.49 (was $15), The Social Network for $21 ($26), and The Game: Criterion Collection Edition for $30 (was $40). Check the list below for a selection of other Fincher Blu-rays that are available now.
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