210 days after Nintendo shut down the 3DS and Wii U online servers, the last connected player finally signs off after his console crashes: “It’s over”

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It’s finally, officially over. Nintendo’s 3DS and Wii U online servers were meant to shut down in April, and while they did for most, the efforts of dedicated fans around the world kept them going for way longer than they were supposed to, including one final player who’s only just disconnected, and not by choice. 

The legend of Fishguy6564 is one that’ll go down in 3DS and Wii U history. He was far from the only player to attempt to stay connected to the servers, but he was certainly the most successful in terms of how long he managed to keep things going. He and another fellow player, Marioiscool246, set off with a clear goal – “keep a lobby alive” in 3DS racing game Mario Kart 7 for as long as possible, by implementing a patch which “supposedly prevented the death of a lobby” and deploying two bots to race each other endlessly. Even after Marioiscool246’s 3DS crashed, Fishguy6564 kept going for the weeks and months that followed until he became the last connected player, and that journey is now over, 210 days – or almost seven months – later.

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